Monday, September 15, 2008

LK inc! Orly?

So, wowhead has an "official" release date for LK on the front page. 13 November.

Interestingly there's no mention of this uber-date on, the LK site or so ex-squeeze me if I seem highly skeptical. I call shenanigans.

My tin-foil hat theory? It's a carrot being dangled by Blizzard to stop people wandering off to try Warhammer. If there's no release date for LK, people will get sick of waiting and go try WAR. If they have a "confirmed" date that isn't too far away, they'll go "meh, I'll just wait."

I could be wrong and would be happy to be proven so, but given they're still releasing beta patches and we're still waiting for 3.0.2 to go live, 13 November seems highly unlikely.

My prediction: January 2009 (at best maybe a gnat's dick before Christmas 2008).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Not before march 2009 is my call. If theyre still in early beta with a lvl cap at 77, no way they'll be ready in 3 months.